Blue Lunch Concerts

Blue Lunch has put on several concerts featuring some of our favorite performers. Our first show was the "East Coast, West Coast, Midwest Saxophone Shootout" held at Cleveland Public Theater's Parish Hall on January 6, 2005. The show featured Jonny Viau from San Diego, "Sax" Gordon Beadle from Boston and our own Blue Lunch horns.

On February 24, 2006 we presented "Blue Lunch Meets the Blues Divas" with Michelle Willson and Candy Kane at the Beachland Ballroom. The hall was packed and the Divas gave an extraordinary show.

In March of 2007 we brought Michelle Willson back for a concert at Wilberts.

Watch for more Blue Lunch concerts soon.

Crowded Stage
Crowded Stage
Johnny Viau Conducts
Johnny Viau Conducts
Gordon Beadle Wows the Crowd
Gordon Beadle Wows the Crowd
Gordon Joins the Horn Section
Gordon Joins the Horn Section
A Lot of Heavy Metal on that Stage
A Lot of Heavy Metal on that Stage
Little Frank Plays Bob's Guitar
Little Frank Plays Bob's Guitar
Show Finale-Tenor Madness
Show Finale-Tenor Madness
Johnny Favorite Cooked Too
Johnny Favorite Cooked Too
Rehearsal in Bob's Basement
Rehearsal in Bob's Basement
Yes, We Really Rehearsed
Yes, We Really Rehearsed
Blue Lunch Plays Chicago Blues
Blue Lunch Plays Chicago Blues
Bob's Hands
Bob's Hands
Big Bill Fleetwood
Big Bill Fleetwood
Michelle Willson Looking Coy
Michelle Willson Looking Coy
Michelle Joins the Horn Section
Michelle Joins the Horn Section
Michelle Belts the Blues
Michelle Belts the Blues
Candy Kane Belts it Out
Candy Kane Belts it Out
Now Candy Joins the Horn Section
Now Candy Joins the Horn Section
Candy Looking Sassy
Candy Looking Sassy
Duet With Tony Koussa
Duet With Tony Koussa
Both Divas at the Finale
Both Divas at the Finale
Pete Puts In His Two Cents
Pete Puts In His Two Cents
Eddie Angel with the Divas
Eddie Angel with the Divas
Hank Frank After the Show
Hank Frank After the Show
Mike Sands, Bob Frank, Norman & Michelle
Mike Sands, Bob Frank, Norman & Michelle
Crowded Stage
Crowded Stage
Michelle after the show.
Michelle after the show.